Who am I?
My name is John Miyao and I currently reside in sunny Seattle, WA. I've worked in tech most of my career, but I finally decided to make the transition into Web Development and Web Design because I wanted to be the one who actually builds the things. It's been a fun journey learning to code through the amazing program Perpetual Education (you can read about how I chose PE here), but I know the learning is only getting started.

Why Web Development?
I've always loved solving problems and creating and Web Development allows me to explore both simultaneously. Over the past few years, I had dabbled in self-teaching programs, but I struggled staying committed so I sought out a program and landed on PE for it’s pace, emphasis on good design and our instructor/mentor, Derek Wood who truly cares about our success.

What do I do for fun?
Beyond tapping away at a keyboard and straining my eyes, I try to stay active through running, cycling or the occasional hike. I also love sports, particularly basketball and the NBA. I was born and raised in Sacramento so I’m cursed with being a Sacramento King’s fan. If I'm parked on the couch, I'm usually watching sports or scrolling on my phone or scrolling while watching sports.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me. Now hollaatchyaboiii!

selfie of John Miyao in wtih a gradient background from blue (top) to purple (bottom)